We were really ready for some warmer temps, and also ready for some sand!  We wanted to head to New Orleans next, but it was too long of a drive for one day so we decided to break it up with a week at the beach 🙂

Aside from a grumpy old man in a golf cart accusing me of not picking up my dog’s poop (seriously fella, get yourself some glasses, ugh!), it was a pretty nice park.  There was a little man-made beach on the sound that was right next to the bus, and it was the perfect spot to hang out all week!  It was shallow too, so I felt fine letting the kids go hang out by themselves all day.

The rules at the park got a little old – no dogs on the docks, no dogs on the beach, no drying racks outside, no scooters, also no crates or fences outside, no dogs in any areas except the specified dog runs – and on and on.  The view made up for it, mostly!

Billy had a recording session early in the week.  He has software that connects the bus studio with the studio of the client.  So noises and sounds of any sort are out of the question.  It has to be dead silent.  Now, the bus itself is very, very soundproof.  The only things making contact with the ground are the (rubber!) wheels.  So anything like human voices, dogs barking, and the like, aren’t a cause for concern.  The only real threats are nearby military air drills (more common than you’d think) complete with sonic booms, and anything really close that produces a very low rumble, such as a railroad track or giant lawnmower directly next to the bus.  So to achieve this silence, the kids and I all go outside, and they either read on their kindles, play, or take the dog for a walk.  I sit outside in case anyone were to come knocking on the door or there were to be some other problem.  We avoid train tracks and military drills by researching campsites prior to staying at them.

This was a late night editing lesson!

My good friend Jaime lives with her sweet family in Navarre, so they came over to have dessert and hang out!  I will say, it has been wonderful getting to see so many babies in the last few weeks!  Especially this cutie!  I miss holding small people!

Also, after they left I found a pacifier and toy car under the couch – proof that you can lose something in the smallest of spaces!  (I’ll mail it to you, Jaime!)

We were also there for the actual Halloween Day (not the early celebration).  We carved pineapples instead of pumpkins.  It seemed appropriate!

There have been warm Halloweens in Richmond, but I’ve never been able to lay out on the beach on October 31st!!