Sunday saw us arrive at Endless Caverns, in New Market, VA.  It’s a small town, just north of Harrisonburg.  It looked like a fun spot to stay for the week, and we needed a spot to break up the drive from DC to Salem/Christiansburg.

It was also close enough for Billy’s dad to come and visit one more time!!

It was a pretty fun park to explore!  They had a fishing pond and the kids tried a few times, but the fish weren’t interested.

They also had a pool, but it was FREEZING.

Imagine chattering teeth

I’ll just sit here OUT of the cold water, thank you very much

It was pretty hot during the day, but by nighttime it was almost mild.  Mild enough for a fire 🙂

We sat outside by the fire almost every night after dinner and I read The Magician’s Nephew out loud to the kids.  We have read it before, but it’s been a few years!

In the morning, a couple of deer just strolled casually through the campground.  It was so cool!  Some people a few sites over also had a pet pig, which we all got a kick out of.  I sent the kids out to get pictures but they couldn’t get close enough without being noticed.

It felt good to be somewhere for an entire week, which is really supposed to be our plan, we’ve just had to jump a lot!