Floyd, Virginia.  I get you.  With your crisp mountain air and clear sunlight you are beautiful.  If I didn’t love the beach so much,  I could get pretty hooked on this town.  A picture perfect sunrise over the mountain trees every morning and sunset every night.  Makes it easy to forget I hit a curb and took out the muffler to get to you.  And when checking the muffler, watching every rivet fly  off the bay door one by one and fall to the ground;  makes me laugh as I climb your windy roads.  I’d also like to give a shout out to the bungee cord.  I owned a total of zero before buying a bus.  Now I’m the proud owner of at least five.  What can’t these things do?

Pretty sure that’s not quite right

Bungee to the rescue

Pull over quickly, dear, the bay door is falling off

Ahh now that’s more like it

Yep, definitely worth it