We set sail Friday, thinking Let’s go south!  There had been some cold mornings and we weren’t feeling it.

We had wanted to see Mammoth Cave National Park, and it was an easy stop.  We found an Army Corps campground, which was cheap, awesome, and so beautiful.


There was also ZERO cell service, which ordinarily does not work for us, but Billy had taken Friday off and we were planning on leaving Sunday.  It was nice to be tucked away from the world for a bit!

I made time to walk in the mornings and evenings.  There was a boat slip nearby, so a lot of marine activity!

Saturday morning we left early for Mammoth Cave.  There were only a few tours available that didn’t involve crazy spelunking, and they were all first come-first served, so we wanted to make it!

They call it “mammoth” because it’s the world’s longest known cave system – over 400 miles explored!

With Junior Ranger packets done and badges collected, we left for some lunch…

…and promptly found a lost dog.  We kept him close with bits of our lunch (not Billy, he wasn’t about to give some random dog his brisket sandwich), while Ellie ran into Dollar General for a leash.  Animal control was there in a flash to pick him up.

He didn’t want to go anywhere!

We finally made it back home, and the kids set off to explore and do some fishing, while Billy and I took a nice, long nap!!