November 4th was Finn’s birthday!  (Yes, I know I am SO behind on this travel log, I’m working on it!)  He turned eleven, which is just unfathomable to me.  He was so little, like, yesterday!

He’s my early riser!

The early birthday bird catches the worm – or in this case, the beautiful sunrise!

So as I’ve mentioned before, we have had to scale back on birthday gifts because of the fact that we live on a bus – there just isn’t space for stuff!  We’re forced to go with impact over quantity 😉  This was an easy one, thanks to the previous week that we spent with our southern cousins!

“You’ll shoot your eye out!” No really, you will, point it down for crying out loud

This lucky boy got to be in FOUR states on his birthday!  We were sad to leave the Florida sun and the sand, but happy to be moving WEST, finally!!

Deacon and Ellie were sweet to do all of his departure and arrival duties, and then we were on our way!

Happy birthday, Finn!